In this article, we present a new way to create types to use in TypeScript, which allows us to use JavaScript inline to generate complex types easily.
The language we use is TypeType(The Art of Type Programming).
In TypeType v0.0.30, we have a new type: ContextType, for example:

Here we use syntax “``` … ```” to insert JavaScript code, and implement globalContext.sum in this way:

“sum” receives values and return AST in TypeType, and the result is:

This example can be found in https://github.com/mistlog/typetype-template/blob/main/src/type-context.ts.
Type Query
Once we can execute external JavaScript code, we can implement libs to make something likes magic.
As we know, it’s hard to transform union type to tuple type, however, it’s trivial in ContextType:

Here we use “$.use” to access AST of type variable “input”, and convert it to TupleType in JavaScript:

We use “query.install” to add this extension to $: the TypeQuery object, inspired by jQuery.
The output is:

The order is kept as is, actually, you can reorder it as you want.
TypeQuery scales well, you can do something likes this:

and get result:

Examples above can be found in:
- https://github.com/mistlog/typetype-template/blob/main/src/type-query-extension.ts
- https://github.com/mistlog/typetype-template/blob/main/src/type-query-basic.ts
Type Testing
We can get AST and types-in-string from Type Runtime, thus we can test types using just plain jest:

Ref: https://github.com/mistlog/typetype-template/blob/main/test/type-runtime.test.ts
Code can be found here: https://github.com/mistlog/type-query
For quick start: https://github.com/mistlog/typetype-template